OWPAM® Approach Webinar OWPAM® Approach is an introductory session to walk through the approach to move toward an effective organization-wide physical asset management system. Organizations are well on their way to developing asset management strategies and asset management plans for the different asset classes. But they have reached a plateau and have stalled in their progress to implement those strategies and plans. Organizations are facing challenges in operationalizing an effective asset management system to foster collaboration and improve the coordination of asset management activities to realize value. The OWPAM® Approach session will explore the complexities and intricacies inherent in the implementation of an organization-wide physical asset management system to achieve alignment and realize value.
Outcomes At the end of the session participants will understand the steps they need to take to move toward an organization-wide physical asset management system. Key outcomes of the session are:
Understanding the Asset Management definition and introducing the AM Landscape subjects.
Learning about the importance of the four key fundamentals of Asset Management
Understanding the prevailing situation in organizations and the existing challenges.
Learning how to move toward an effective organization-wide physical asset management system.
Introducing the OWPAM® Approach and how to navigate the complexities of an asset management system.
Duration The OWPAM® Approach is a 2-hour long session, which includes a presentation, video, interactive activities, and time for questions.
Audience The target audience for this session is asset management practitioners working in both the public and private sector industries, and who are responsible for the development, implementation, and operation of the asset management system. Typical attendees include:
Asset Management Managers, Specialists, and Coordinators
Staff from the Maintenance, Reliability, Operations/Production, Public Works, Supply, Project, Finance and Engineering departments
General Managers and other Senior Executives
Fee Early Bird Price $89.00 + HST; Regular Price $99.00 + HST (after September 21st) Minimum – 10 participants;
OWPAM® Challenges is a highly interactive learning session with a team approach to help organizations on their path to implementing organization-wide holistic physical asset management. The objective of the session is to look at the key physical asset lifecycle strategic & tactical activities and align them with corresponding key functional areas of the organization. The OWPAM® Challenges session will bring small groups together in virtual rooms to educate them on the asset management activities, to make them understand the importance of ownership and collaboration within the context of an organization. The virtual board game is played online in a virtual meeting room combined with group interaction and discussion to generate interesting findings and results for analysis.
Outcomes During this interactive hands-on session participants will:
Understand the whole spectrum of strategic and tactical activities required for a holistic physical asset management approach.
Identify ownership issues, gaps and overlaps that could exist and that are critical for the successful implementation of physical asset management.
Identify top priority activities of whole lifecycle physical asset management for their organization’s operating context.
Understand what it takes to move toward an organization-wide physical asset management system
Duration The OWPAM® Challenges session is 3 hours long and is an interactive session. Participants will need to have access to a computer with stable internet connection and ready to be actively involved throughout the whole session.
Audience The target audience for this session is asset management practitioners working in both the public and private sector industries, and who are responsible for the development, implementation, and operation of the asset management system. Typical attendees include:
Asset Management Managers, Specialists, and Coordinators
Staff from the Maintenance, Reliability, Operations/Production, Public Works, Supply, Project, Finance and Engineering departments
General Managers and other Senior Executives
Fee $295 + HST/fees Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the book “Physical Asset Management-An Organizational Challenge”. Minimum – 5 participants; Maximum – 18 participants